I took a long break from drawing after finishing art school in 2004. When I was in college I drew like a madman. After graduating, I looked for a job in 3d graphics and after six months of unsuccessful job hunting I moved on to other things.
I started drawing again in February (2012). I'm always looking for ways of releasing creative energy and I thought it would be fun. It was like riding a bike and I picked it up again quickly and in no time I got into the same rut I was in during college. I was drawing the same blank face over and over again and getting frustrated because it wasn't "good" enough. I couldn't move on to anything else because I was stuck and my brain wouldn't let me get to that next step.
I had been reading a few webcomics (Penny Arcade, VG Cats, Least I Could Do) and I started playing around with drawing my own cartoons. It was a good feeling to be able to draw and not obsess about getting all the anatomy perfect. It was nice to have a goal to shoot for too: Come up with some good characters and start my own web comic. I like writing too so this is a project I'm excited about.
Here are a some random pages from my current sketchbook.
Some quick gesture drawings |
Link |
Dragonborn kid (Skyrim) |
Playing around with different styles |
Getting there |
Working on expressions |
Getting closer |
| I still have a few more sketchbooks to fill before I'm to where I would
like to be. I have lots of ideas for characters and jokes for a web
comic. At this point I'm working on developing a style that will fit. My goal is to develop a comic that I will post on this blog and will add new content once a week (at least). |