Dreamfall: The Longest Journey is and action, adventure, puzzle game and the sequel to an older game The Longest Journey. You play as Zoe (and two different characters) who is trying to find out what has happened to her missing ex-boyfriend.
The Good: The overall presentation of this game is good. I played the classic Xbox game on my Xbox 360 and the graphics held up to some of the 360 games I have played. The voice acting and environments were also done well.
The Bad: The controls are clumsy. Combat is terrible (luckily there are only a few fights). Most of the game is spent dozing off while listening to seemingly endless about of dialog and watching loading screens.
The Conclusion: Dreamfall: The Longest Journey might have been a big deal in its day but it just left me wanting to play a mind-less shooter to get the taste out of my mouth. To be honest the only reason I was interested in it is because of the developers new title The Secret World.
I recommend renting this game or picking it up used.
3/5 stars
buy it at Amazon